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M-De-Esser 2

M-De-Esser 2

M-De-Esser 2 takes spectral de-essing to the next level with significantly improved precision, sound quality, and intelligent features. It continuously analyses your audio, adapting its processing to target excessive sibilance with greater accuracy. The result is smooth, transparent de-essing that preserves the natural tone and dynamics of your track while ensuring clarity in every mix.

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Techivation Plugins Compatibility
Compatible with macOS and Windows.Available as VST, VST3, AU, and AAX. - Apple Silicon Chips

Smart solution for creators

More Than De-Essing—Refine, Tighten, and Enhance.

NEW PLUG-IN! Techivation M-De-Esser 2 Walkthrough

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Sound Examples

M-De-Esser 2
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The key advantages

  • Effortlessly tame harsh 's,' 'sh,' and 'ch' sounds in high frequencies while maintaining the natural tone and clarity of your vocals.

  • Achieve smooth de-essing on drums and percussion, helping hi-hats, snares, and claps sit better in the mix.

  • Refine high frequencies in mastering for a polished, balanced sound without excessive sharpness.

  • Remove harshness from instrument recordings like piano, synths, and strings for a more pleasant tone.

  • Adaptive processing ensures real-time adjustments, delivering precise de-essing without manual tweaks.

  • Optional ‘Air’ control restores brightness, keeping clarity even with stronger de-essing.

Key Features

  • Sensitivity

    “Sensitivity” is the main control of the plug-in. It determines how strong the sibilant frequencies need to be relatively to the overall signal level to trigger suppression.

  • Strength

    “Strength” controls how much the detected sibilant frequencies are compressed.

  • Focus

    “Focus” controls how selective M-De-Esser 2 is. Lower settings result in softer wide-range compression, while higher settings produce more targeted narrow-band suppression.

  • Mix Assist

    “Mix Assist” button enables the plug-in to capture and analyse the input and intelligently set the processing parameters. M-De-Esser 2 will capture 4 seconds of audio for the analysis. Make sure to play the most sibilant part of your track when learning to get the best results.

  • Frequency Limit

    “Frequency limit” slider gives you control over M-De-Esser 2’s adaptive processing range detection. The plugin is constantly analysing the audio and adjusts the processing range to target the parts of the spectrum where the most high frequency energy is concentrated. You can limit where M-De-Esser 2 is looking for these excessive high frequencies by adjusting the “Frequency limit” slider.

  • Air control

    “Air” control boosts the presence of your audio by blending in additional harmonics to the range selected by the “Frequency Limit” slider. It uses a level-independent dynamic exciter to make sure that your track never sounds dull even at high “Sensitivity” and “Strength” settings.

  • Response speed modes

    “Fast”, “Medium”, and “Slow” response speed modes let you shape the dynamics of M-De-Esser 2.

  • Mix control

    “Mix” control allows you to blend between the processed and the original signals, giving you quick access to parallel processing.

  • Diff & Filter

    “Diff” button enables you to listen to the difference between the processed and original signals. This allows you to audibly perceive the spectral corrections made by the plug-in, making it easier to fine-tune its parameters.

    “Filter” button lets you listen to the adaptive processing range filter, so you can hear exactly what the plug-in is targeting. When “Filter” button is enabled, the “Frequency limit” slider visualisation also switches to show the adaptive filter shape. So you can simultaneously hear and see how the adaptive filter is adjusting to your track, and control its behaviour using the “Frequency limit” slider.

  • Input-output level meters

    View the audio levels of the input and output signals before and after processing. These meters provide real-time feedback on the input and output levels, allowing you to monitor the changes in amplitude that occur during the spectral shaping process.

  • Make Up & Auto-Gain

    “Make Up” controls the amount of clean gain applied to the processed signal. To make level matching easier while you tweak the M-De-Esser 2 settings, it offers the “AUTO” gain button. This button triggers the “Mix Assist” to capture a few seconds of your audio and automatically set the “Make Up” parameter.

  • Scalable user interface

    The interface scaling feature in M-De-Esser 2 allows you to customise the size of the GUI to suit your preferences and optimise your workflow. With a range of scaling options available, from 80% to 150%, you can personalise the interface to match your visual and working style.

  • Internal On/Off Switch

    The plug-in features a dedicated bypass/on control, which allows for the swift enabling or bypassing of the effect. This user-friendly control is designed to help avoid potential clicks or audio artefacts that may occur when toggling the effect on or off directly within the DAW host.

  • Undo/redo options

    The M-De-Esser 2 plug-in comes equipped with the handy feature of built-in 'Undo' and 'Redo' options, providing added peace of mind while working on your audio processing. With these functions, you can easily revert to previous settings or redo changes that were made in error, saving time and eliminating the stress of potentially losing valuable adjustments.

  • A/B Switch

    The A/B buttons provide a convenient way to compare different options and find the optimal setting for your audio processing needs. With just a click, you can easily switch between two different versions of the same processing chain and compare the results.

  • Tooltips

    A handy 'tooltips' option that you can enable or disable from the plugin's menu. When this option is enabled, you can see a brief description of each part of the user interface by simply holding your mouse over that particular section. Tooltips are an excellent way to quickly learn about the various controls and settings in the plugin, making it easier to navigate and use the interface effectively.

M-De-Esser 2 Features

What's new in M-De-Esser 2?

  • The new Mix Assistant in M-De-Esser 2 analyses your audio and suggests the right settings to target sibilance in your track.

  • M-De-Esser 2 continuously adjusts the processing frequency range based on the incoming audio, delivering an even more precise and transparent sibilance suppression.

  • M-De-Esser 2 shows the exact spectral adjustments it makes to your audio, so you are always in control of what the plug-in is doing.

  • The dynamic “air” exciter of M-De-Esser 2 now offers four oversampling quality options, letting you choose the right balance between high-end clarity and performance.

  • The new “Focus” control lets you decide how selective M-De-Esser 2 is when targeting sibilance. From soft and gentle to surgically precise, M-De-Esser 2 will have the right approach for your track.

  • M-De-Esser 2 is upgraded to use linear phase filters and the new and improved version of our spectral shaping engine, delivering even cleaner sound with no distortion or artefacts.

  • For more information visit our support page



7 and up as 64-bit VST and VST3, and 64-bit AAX (PT11 and up).

Mac OS

10.15 (Catalina) and higher as VST, VST3, AU, and AAX. Intel processors, and Apple Silicon Chips.

Useful Resources

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